How to use
New Life in Christ?
When and where can it best be used?
New Life in Christ can be used to disciple new believers individually or in groups. It has been used for home Bible studies, cell groups, Sunday School classes and in preparation for baptism.
One of its advantages is that it is so easy to use. The teacher needs no special training. It may be used by pastors and laypeople alike. There is a “Teacher’s Guide ” at the beginning of the book to help orient the teacher.
Who was it written for?
Originally it was designed for new believers, but it can help any believer grow. Many Christians have not been followed up and discipled when they first accepted Christ. Others need to review the basics of Christian living. The material has proven to be useful for believers at all stages of maturity. New and old alike can benefit from a study of New Life in Christ
How can I disciple someone using New Life In Christ?
It must first be noted that no one becomes a disciple just by finishing a series of lessons on the Christian life. Christianity is not a set of lessons, but a lifestyle. Believers need biblical knowledge, but they must also learn new habits and a new point of view.
Second, one must understand that when they are born again, they become part of a new family, God’s family. No one can live in isolation, but must see themselves as part of a great community of believers that we call the church. Every believer should find a church where the Bible is faithfully taught. These will be the new brothers and sisters who will help him take his first steps in the Christian life. The Bible tells us to love one another. In God’s family, we encourage, teach, exhort, forgive and bear with one another. We learn to bear one another’s burdens.
Third, it is important to practice what we learn. The goal is to become doers of the Word, not just hearers. In addition to content, each lesson has extra homework and exercises that will help the believer form habits and disciplines that will serve as the basis for his Christian life. These include things such as regular prayer and Bible study, a devotional time, witnessing, regular attendance at his church, meditation on the Word, etc. Encourage each student to do the homework and begin to build these habits.
Fourth, take advantage of the “Teacher’s Guide“ at the beginning of the book. There are many suggestions of how to make the lessons more interesting and practical for daily living. Filling in the blanks in each question is important, but that is just a start. Remember that the new believer is a spiritual baby who needs a lot of help.
Fifth and most important, depend on the Holy Spirit to touch the heart of the student. He is the true disciple maker.